
日期:2024-04-07 12:08:09 来源:卓克艺术网

资讯 >【卓克专稿】华鸟作品荣登《全球人居环境论坛文集》



The Collection of Global Forum on Human Settlements (hereinafter referred to as the The Collection), consisting of two volumes in both Chinese and English, was published by China Environmental Publishing Group and has received widespread attention both domestically and internationally. The Collection is edited by Secretary General Lv Haifeng of the Global Forum on Human Settlements, which is in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. It brings together large-scale academic literature on global research on sustainable cities and human settlements. The artist Hua Niao's work "Infinity" series has been featured in The Collection.


作品:无限—R Limitless—R 
材料:PLA等材料 PLA and other materials


Hua Niao uses PLA, a cutting-edge new material that replaces plastic, in her works. By understanding the characteristics of materials and media, she expresses her thoughts and contemporaneity while breaking free from her inherent form. Plastic has fallen from the greatest invention to the worst material, and it was not until over a hundred years later that people realized its serious harm to the ecological environment. However, plastic has also brought great convenience to people's lives. Before people could leave plastic as a material, a biodegradable plastic called polylactic acid and PLA was born.


作品:无限—G Limitless—G 

材料:PLA等材料PLA and other materials




My creative inspiration often comes from my concern for reality, ecological issues, and the natural biological world. This is part of my understanding, although it is very limited, through the process of understanding and thinking, when thinking about this new, beneficial, and inevitable material, this material brings thoughts, thoughts, and hints, and creates thematic works. Create a visual atmosphere in the picture, hoping to generate more associations; More attention has been paid to ecological and environmental issues in these works. Creating a sense of beauty, which can be like a harmonious choir; Beauty is a harmonious chorus. By contemplating real-life issues and creating artworks, we can inspire the public to pay attention to reducing plastic pollution. Through sustainable and biodegradable thinking about materials themselves, we can share the beauty of nature. ——Hua Niao



《文集》是全球人居环境论坛 15 周年华诞和联合国“可持续发展目标行动十年”的纪念项目。为大型学术文献,分上下两卷,中英文双语,共330万字,图文并茂;收录15年来的国际可持续城市与人居环境观点精华和范例,来自来自全球6大洲23个国家,包括2位原国家领导人、6位联合国副秘书长级高级官员、6位部长级官员、37位知名院士专家、企业家等180 位作者来自全球50多个国家。 


Introduction to the Collection of Global Forum on Human Settlements

The Collection is a commemorative project for the 15th anniversary of the Global Forum on Human Settlements and the United Nations Decade of Action for Sustainable Development Goals. For large-scale academic literature, divided into two volumes, bilingual in Chinese and English, with a total of 3.3 million words and illustrations; It collects the essence and examples of international sustainable cities and human settlements in the past 15 years from 23 countries on 6 continents, including 2 former national leaders, 6 senior officials at the level of Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, 6 ministerial officials, 37 well-known academicians, experts, entrepreneurs and other 180 authors from more than 50 countries around the world.

The content covers planning and design, green smart cities, building communities, climate change, ecological environment, water security, sustainable tourism, green travel, green economy, green technology, gender equality, sustainable consumption and production, post disaster reconstruction, etc. The literary genres include speeches, papers, interviews, case studies, thematic articles, etc.

The Collected Works is a monument erected by the Green Expert Daqida City, providing cutting-edge information for professionals and contributing to achieving the sustainable discovery goals of the United Nations. Senior officials from international organizations such as the United Nations, government officials from relevant countries, renowned experts and scholars, entrepreneurs, and many other professionals from around the world will participate in online witnessing.




Hua Niao 

National first-class artist. Member of Commission of Education, Science and Culture of Global Forum on Human Settlements (GFHS). The Special lecturer at Peking University. The Specially Visiting Professor for CCTV's "Art Inheritance" program ".

From a young age, she has participated in domestic and international exhibitions, and her works have been collected by museums, art galleries, institutions, and collectors both domestically and internationally. In 2009, he was selected as one of the top 500 Oil Painting Artists in China.

图文: 禾子水


编辑: Demon
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