


日期:2015-04-04 09:01:27 来源:

名家 >“原代码”创作随感

  在当下社会里,符号与现实的关系日益疏远,模拟物取代了真实物,拟像比真实的事物更加真实。在这样的环境中,人与现实的关系变得值得怀疑了,虚拟的社会现实变成一种“完美的罪行”。当我在“原代码”系列作品中将人工合成、非天然品阿拉伯数字在介乎东方水墨与西方抽象的画面中强行插入,人们似乎并不介意它突兀的存在。在有序排列的数字中的空格、那个遗失的数字所代表的寓意可能也已不再重要。当被反向置放的阿拉伯数字在符号学上是否还有其意义,人们也无意深究。那些象征社会道德和法律中可能造成严重后果的缺陷或干扰,象征人际交往中被公然编码的缺失部分,人们会试图寻找这遗失的数字吗? 在有着现代化的娱乐媒体,国家资本主义和消费主义符号的疲劳轰炸及与某种专权的同流合污、造假资讯的系统组合,大众逐渐脱离困难复杂的感情和思想——调教——脱离现实——弱智化。习惯、传统的反应,定型的态度,会阻碍和其他人以及和自己内在的真实之间有意义的沟通。


  Source Code Creative Essay

  The creation of Source Code Series started in the end of 2006 and during the 5 years, a total of more than 80 pieces were created.
  Film Master Antonioni once said: any explanation is not nearly as interesting as the mystery itself. But here I still want to write down the thoughts I had during the creative process of Source Code Series and sort them out to show others, and mostly to myself.
  The title Source Code came from the IT language Source Code. In Chinese characters I replaced the “source” with “origin”, in order to try to find the truth through these works, to restore its social and cultural essence, instead of finding its source.
  To combine words or symbols in a visualized art work is not uncommon among the rank of contemporary art. Arabic Numerals, being the basic expression of synthetical and unnatural compound, is more primitive and globalized than letters. It is so widely used that it became plain and lost its mysterious origin, and turned into the absolute code of this era. In the digitalized world now, Source Code is already becoming the global social gene.
  In the society nowadays, the relationship between symbols and reality is becoming distant, virtual items are taking over the place of reality; virtual images are more realistic than reality. In such environment, the relationship between human beings and reality becomes questionable when the virtual society reality is a perfect crime. When I force insert the synthetic, unnatural Arabic Numerals drawn with the style in between oriental ink paintings and western abstract paintings, people doesn't seem to mind its awkwardness. The empty space in between orderly organized numbers, the missing number, has meanings no longer important. Whether reversely placed Arabic Numerals still has its meaning in symbolism is not concerned either. Those missing parts standing for the loopholes and disturbance which may potentially cause harm in social moral and law is normal to our eyes and are we still searching for the lost numbers? We are being bombarded by modern entertainment media, state capitalism and consumerism symbols, the autocrat corruption is combined with false information forging, the public is slowly losing the complex emotion and thinking, and then being tuned, lost reality and finally dumbed out. Tradition, accustomed reaction and pre-set attitude will prevent the true communication between people and other people as well as people and their inner truth.
  If the artists lend their power to mass produce false information, stereotyped expression, the simplified politics, the high tech optimistic and the bending of ideology, they will lose their self-record and even the power to reveal reality. In the creation of Source Code series, I try to free myself from unnecessary formal techniques usually used by others. I throw away my burden of methods and logics. In doing so I believe that the artists today should connect to their hearts instead of logic and they should disappear in their work, in order to find a way out of the suffocating shell of force injected concepts and never changing feelings.

  Jiao Zhenyu
  In Shanghai, Oct, 2011 6

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