《Mr.Jiao 的“艺术博览会”》

《Mr.Jiao 的“艺术博览会”》

《Mr.Jiao 的“艺术博览会”》

日期:2015-04-04 09:00:07 来源:

名家 >《Mr.Jiao 的“艺术博览会”》

  人们都知道罗素(Bertrand Russel)《心的分析》一书中提出的悖论:世界可能在几分钟之前被创造,但却拥有记得虚幻往事的人类。
  艺术家也同样,总是距这种无意义的完美的“罪行”很近。但是他在摆脱此“罪”,而且他的作品就是此“罪”破绽的痕迹。艺术家是竭尽全力抑制这种不留痕迹的根本冲动的人,恰如《Mr.Jiao 的“艺术博览会”》来自于一次貌似偶得的1533平米“剩余”空间,艺术家便迫不及待的试图去营造一个“犯罪”现场。一个企图让符号与现实的关系更加疏远,一个以模拟取代真实,一个使人与世界的关系变得更加值得怀疑的“犯罪”现场,一个存留痕迹的现场。


  No Entrance: Mr. Jiao’s Art Fair
  One of the famous paradoxical predictions said by Bertrand Russell goes like this: the world can be created just a few minutes ago, yet humans who embody the illusory past have already existed. The hypothesis of Omphalos by the 19th century English naturalists assumed that all traces left in the process of species evolution, from fossils to geological structure on earth, are in fact a modern remodeling by God in accordance to The Holy Book.
  So at the end of the day, God blessed us with a story about the beginning of the world and a stage for us to play the present. The stage performance creates illusions about time. God has mercy on us so the past He offered to us is not so entirely brutal and unbearable as it really was. As if God must have thought about it, as a compensation to our merciless creation, God offered us a history that was remodeled in the way that more or less is acceptable in our mindset.
  As if, only as if
  If all things were presented as how they really are without external surfaces, all things would construct the perfect crime: no suspected ones, no victim and no motivation. Truth will be forever hidden and secret will be forever secret as nothing will be revealed and no traces can be chased.
  But there is nothing called perfect crime, because sooner or later all that have happened will leave traces in one way or the other, traces of non-existence yet they are extension of windy nothingness. Secret will be revealed, underneath surface, truth will emerge.
  Artists are those who deliberately urge their instincts not to leave any traces and who are closest to create such perfect crime. The traces he left are in fact the art work itself. Mr. Jiao’s Art Fair comes from a 1533 square meters’ left-over space where a crime scene is constructed. It is a simulacrum of the reality where the signified is far away from the real thing. There are traces in this crime scene that made us wonder what indeed is our connection with this world.
  As if our approach is merely an illusion, a presentation of the absence, a dislocated existence of non-existence.
  Momentary and concurrence are non-existing.
  Luckily it never has happened
  Luckily the crimes are never perfect…

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