另一种现代性油画学术邀请展 相关评论文章

另一种现代性油画学术邀请展 相关评论文章

另一种现代性油画学术邀请展 相关评论文章

时间:2012-12-25 14:09:10 来源:

>另一种现代性油画学术邀请展 相关评论文章



Other Modernism
——Modern Oil Painting Invitation Exhibition
Modernity is a characteristic reflected in the transition from traditional agricultural society to modern industrial society. The term is deeply embedded in every aspect of modern society, marked by the comprehensive alterations in production modes, social systems and thinking models. Rich as the content conveyed by modernity may be, what lies at the core of the term is a substitution of rational categories for divine integrity.
It is an indisputable fact that human society constantly evolves into modernity. However, the process of modernization varies across different contexts, thereby rendering the experience of modernity distinctive in different corners of the world. From the perspective of world history, the first step into modern society was taken in Europe, where the original version of modernity was established. China’s late emergence to modern society released another version of modernity. China and Europe share much in common, insofar as both are modern societies. Yet the priorities and focuses in China and Europe are different, owing to the disparity in their versions of modernity. Struggles to combine authentically the ancient and the modern, the Chinese and the foreign, have always accompanied China’s modernization. China’s long cultural tradition, one that contains profound Chinese wisdom of life, contributes to a mindset that “stresses the past, not the present”. Our endorsement of the past offers us a necessary recognition of the limitations in the evolutionary view of history stemming from the process of modernization. Furthermore, the Chinese way of life is quite unique, and our confidence in it helps us to avoid the pitfalls of identical thinking in modernization. The unique cultural traditions and living styles in China promote a distinctive road towards modernization, a modified version of modernity, which provides other developing countries and regions an alternative in their process of modernization.
Art has been a product of modernization and modernity. For a long time in human society, art did not distinguish itself from all other branches of human activity. The self-conscious practice of artmaking, for the sake only of art, dates back to the 18th century. Despite the fact that this phenomenon observed by Western aestheticians and art historians has applied to most cases in human society, Chinese art is nonetheless different, due to a unique cultural context where no clear boundary between the self-discipline and other-discipline of art can be found. Chinese art had a degree of self-discipline in pre-modern times, when art was merely an entertainment for men of letters, while Chinese art has a degree of other-discipline in modern times, when art served a social purpose. The particularity of Chinese modernity gives Chinese art a completely different face and fate. The modernity in Chinese art lies not in creating the new, worshiping the foreign, or indulging in its own legacy. Conversely, it has a sharp awareness of the ancient and the modern, the Chinese and the foreign, self-discipline and other-discipline. Hence, Chinese art has an inimitable way of answering questions in our time. The distinctive character of modernity in China and the inspiration it has bestowed upon Chinese artists today render Chinese art a significant member in the worldwide art family.
Ever since China stepped into modern society, all branches of art in China are confronted with the challenge to accelerate and sustain the transition to modernity. Oil painting, among all the forms of art, is faced with the greatest urgency. In the field of oil painting, much more heated debates have been triggered, much deeper considerations taken, and much more outstanding achievements made. Through the display of oil paintings, we attempt to introduce a Chinese version of the modernity of art and further reveal a Chinese version of the modernity of society, in order that broader discussions and more in-depth thinking can emerge with respect to modernity, the destiny of art and the historical development of human society.
Peng Feng
August 3, 2008


        雷达里  美国
Other Modernisms
The meaning of modernism, as an idea and a word, has always been contested. That ambiguity belongs to its parent word, “modernity”: we can’t understand what it is we’ve lived through, or what we should make of the horrors, upheavals, material gains, and spiritual losses of the 20th century (modernism’s defining period). We feel the sting of this uncertainty whenever we try to imagine what the world will be like in 50 years. As a movement in the visual arts—and some would call it more of a mood than a movement—modernism is characterized by a bewildering variety of looks and impulses. The cold gazes of Manet’s women, Picasso’s broken images, Pollock’s splattered canvases, the appropriation of everyday object by Duchamp, the purity of Malevich’s abstraction; all of these fall under the rubric of modernism. Clearly, however, they are all reactions to a world that has staggered proudly and crazily into a troubled future. The great art historian T.J. Clark defines modern art as work that responds to “a social order which has turned away from the worship of ancestors and past authorities to the pursuit of a projected future—of goods, pleasures, freedoms, forms of control over nature, or infinities of information.”
Much has been lost in this worship of futurity, as the suffering of the last century proves (more people died violently as a result of political conflict—roughly 180 million—than were alive on earth in 1500), and artists were uniformly energized by this shocking disproof of 19th century optimism. They were also quick to notice the ambiguity of modernism’s crowning success: the wealth, stability, and ease of Western liberal-democratic suburbia, which fosters a numbing and narcotized way of life. Modern art was therefore an attempt to save the human imagination from the “emptying” and “sanitizing” effects of this new social order. The search for radically new forms, subject matter, color principles, and compositional methods defines modern painting. A crisis of representation played out the crisis in history and ethics. The need to shock the complacent bourgeoisie and register the fracturing of social life—where our values clashed with themselves, with each other, and with our attempts to realize them—was paramount. Imitative realism was a lie (just look at reality!). Picasso’s carved-up faces registered our subjective incoherence. Dali’s surreal juxtapositions told a clearer truth.  The illusion of three-dimensionality was old-world nonsense, which painters were right to renounce in their struggle for a purer, flatter, more uncompromising aesthetic. Abstraction was an answer, in more ways than one. Where Mondrian used it to comment on the allure and danger of our techno-rationalized lives, Rothko saw abstraction as a way into the depths of our unrepresentable interiority. And in cases where painters preserved the human figure, as in the work of Max Beckmann and de Chirico, that figure could not be known except through its wild distortions. Only an art on the edge, one that resisted easy comprehension, could capture the vicious and bloody uncertainties of modern life.
As China accelerates through its own modernity, altering the patterns of daily life in ways unimaginable to the older generation, artists continue to appropriate the styles and moods of modern art. This exhibition showcases the work of 26 painters, all of whom borrow from modernism in different and surprising ways. Sun Guangyi’s abstractions advance a mode of seeing that is relatively new in China, where socialist realism dominated art until the 1980s. The carnivalesque world of An Qi, with its violent coloration and wild bodies, gives form to the unrestrained spirit to today’s world. Long Quan’s portrait of a black-haired woman recalls the volumetric weirdness of de Chirico, where the laws of perspective have been powerfully suspended. This description could also apply to Cheng Jinhua’s paintings, where a playfulness characteristic of modernism in its less despairing modes—think of Picasso’s saltimbanques—presides over the compositional form. But however much these painters echo the work of the great Westerner modernists, their inheritance of their own Chinese tradition is still a potent and illuminating force, proving that they have interpreted in new and singular ways the world they’ve been called to confront.
Tully Rector



Modernity of art--Regarding to Chinese Contemporary Easel Painting
The development of art and modernization process has a lot of relevance. No matter it expanding on the traditional basis or deviating from the traditional art, the changes, breakthroughs and      innovations are the production of social development and the spirit of that time. Social environment creates the way of thinking and expression, while cultural background influences on the development direction and the performance of arts and culture. How to display a Chinese version of the modernity of art relying on this time and cultural background becomes an issue, which is worth more deep exploration.
There is no doubt that the Chinese version of the modernity of art has more opportunities and challenges in the social process and prosperity in the contemporary culture. Regarding to easel paintings only, we have released the imprisonment of Chinese culture in a short span of three decades, which has last thousands of years, and the culture after the reflection thus become an arts camp in the world's most powerful branch. The excessive using of Humanism more or less, lets us find the breakthrough in the assumed space, but at the same time we are bogged down to find out the right direction and the real idea we want to express.
The incomplete aesthetic environment of public and the market operation produced variety of artistic performance, thus some unskilled artists can take the advantages and be ranked into the mainstream. Over reliance on the content, on the form of art and on symbols of the so-called contemporary art is all around in the simple aesthetic environment. Hence, this kind of art performance becomes the mainstream under the misleading of media, the miscarriage of justice of market value and habitual aesthetic. Actually, these artworks only stay on the surface in the statement of modern context, and lack of cultural meaning. They are only a “super imitation show” from western anti-art school after the formation of the inertia of thinking which led to a cultural phenomenon but has lost the most valuable quality of art, missing the essence of painting, missing the spirit of artistic and cultural origins of the works, and thus turns to be a piece of emperor's new suit.
What kind of artwork has true artistic value? What is the real artwork referring to the Chinese version of the modernity of art? From an artistic development point of view, it is difficult to develop an effective standard to quantitatively analyze them. However, essentially, on a greater or lesser extent we also are able to be detached from the substantive standards for value judgments. As visual plastic arts, does not painting need the nature of painting? Whether the future development of the arts must come from denying tradition? Whether forms and contents really decide the artistic and aesthetic value? Whether the performance of concept has no need for artistic support? Whether the theme will remain to be guided by the truth, good and beauty? As the main body of culture, should art have the continuity of its culture? Once these substantive issues have been answered, the standard for judging would appear clearly. For the Easel Painting, once the internal artistic expression and external social expression of spirit are effectively combined, the artwork would have more artistic and profound value. Art can not be separated from technical support, without which, it is meaningless for painting being existence!
Consideration of the technical level in the painting is not only to emphasize the means and skills, technology indeed should be a comprehensive, broad system. Inherent composition, color, structure, layout, technique of drawing, as well as the use of media and materials etc. are the technical performance, and spirituality, ideology, criticism, conception are also external performance of technique. Only the inherent technical performance has been focused, the external technical performance can have a much higher quality. Many artists often neglected this internal focus on the performance but only emphasizing the external expression, so that their works are more in a variety of symbols and conceptualization. The excessive performance, extreme ideology and concept focus on the external expression however missed the essence of painting. When the external expression has outmatched the essence of art, these paintings are meant to lose their life and soul.
"Let art returns to art"! Seemingly only a simple slogan, but in reality it clarifies the nature of art and make a valuable judgments for current artistic modernism. Through the intrinsic artistic expression and external expression of thought and philosophy, the combination of cultural meaning and the modern society, and new schema fully demonstrated the art of East and West to restore the real spirit of art; such works of art become the art with true value, make the real return of art. It will not be a copy from existed art language because of a lack of modern thinking, and also not a total denial due to the breakthrough or throwing away of the essence of art and culture, it should be built on the realization of innovation and reproduce judgments for the value of contemporary art.

                                                             ——Sean Liu



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