


时间:2012-02-28 10:59:19 来源:



        Yang Xun’s painting has very ambiguous connections with tradition. He always utilizes classic gardens to be his visual asset, and likes to give his works a very classic literal name. Therefore, it seems like he is giving life back to certain traditions, especially in aesthetics.
        But once tradition has become aesthetics, it means that tradition has become something of the past, it will no longer grow in a culture of the moment, and neither could it be a naturally occurred matter with deliberate recapturing of memories. Actually, Yang Xun’s painting is deliberately recapping our classic tradition, just like people especially visit Suzhou Garden, listen to Kunqu opera, this just explains the absence of tradition in our cultural site, or tradition has become a wonder, or an alien matter that deserves deliberate marking.
        Yang Xun is not inheriting certain traditions, not some rebellious tradition for sure. To me, his works has exhibited a state of non-tradition. Inheritance and rebellion are only different voices from inside of the tradition, while non-tradition means standing outside of the tradition, or termination of tradition. Under non-tradition status, although people can go to study and appreciate tradition, these will not affect our lives at the moment. Yang Xun has used “dream scene” to express his experience for visiting Suzhou Garden. I think that the focus of metaphor is not to show how passionately perplexing Suzhou Garden can be, this common metaphor has a deeper connotation: the relation between tradition and modern is just like the correlation between dream and reality. Therefore, it emphasizes a distinct demarcation, a historically broken course status. At this sense, “tradition” is another euphemistic expression of “ruin”. No matter how much glory our tradition has been, it has already become waste buried in ruin.
        Yang Xu was deliberately indicating us the essence of tradition while watching the traditional sceneries. In his works, classic garden views seem like stage scene settings after performance. It is an existing matter but absent, or no longer has its significance, only as a pure thing missing spiritual view point of the main body.
Maybe this is the essential matter in a non-traditional state, just like the word “non-tradition”, we have to mention tradition. However, this does not actually have anything to do with tradition. At this level, Yang Xun’s works configures an antinomy so that we must view Yang Xun’s paintings as traditional memorial speech about tradition—one absolute farewell to a pretentious detainment.
        Once we find such quality of memorial speech in Yang Xun’s painting, his works becomes interesting. Round shape painting design, the unique mild brush strokes, and the elegant light and dark color are elaborately decorated on the highlight of Taihu Stone, along with aesthetic nature of design and quality. This has configured an obvious unnecessary and over-elaborate formalities, this is a restriction over a classic sense of aesthetics. Or we can say that Yang Xun is working hard to cultivate an impression, one is the image of traditional aesthetics, and tradition has been essentially described into surface-based visual scenery; the other aspect is the painting of physical superficies, the visual nature of painting’s main body is presented.
        Actually, Yang Xun’s infatuation is not tradition, but as a remnant of tradition; or scenery slices of tradition. Upon this sense, in his paintings, garden (and flowers) is no longer the garden amid scholar symbolic system of classic traditional culture, no longer a classic impression, but only as a matter of the beholders. For Yang Xun’s paintings, visual significance has replaced the symbolic meaning, painting is no longer a meaning source for people to read, or to experience, meditate and taste its source of significance beyond its image—just like the authentic, classic and traditional painting, only as a pure visual matter.
        Therefore, the complicated details on Yang Xun’s painting do not lead people to meaning, strokes, light spot as well as the patient description of transitional forms on surface of the lake, all seem like a monologue without specific reference, not for the purpose of description for certain connotations, but only as a slight symptom with daydream nature. In such symptom, there is a permeated sense of visual pleasure, but this nice feeling has nothing to do with mood, neither does it correlate with desire, not mention of the meaning. What audience can experience is a shear visual pleasure.
In such authentic visual nature, “looking” has become an absolutely enclosed behavior. Only “looking”, no longer “seeing”, “seen” or “seem like”, after all, this “seeing” is not for exploring significance. Behind such “seeing”, there is no longer the in-depth of emotion and recognition, it only satisfies to image.
        Nietzsche has used Apollo spirit to summarize the eye of such image, so as to aim at the eye of truth of Plato-Descartes-Hegel. In the Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche thinks the Greek word of Sun God Apollo originates from the word “Schein”, at the same time it also has a meaning of image and illusion. Therefore, to Nietzsche, Apollo represents a visual image, also providing a resting place for willpower. Nietzsche has brought up the spirit of Apollo, so as to emphasize on the independent significance of image and illusion.
        It is not known whether Yang Xun has ever thought about the above matters. But in his works, he uses light to emphasize the presence of looking. In each piece of works, there is a beam of strong light which comes from nowhere, forming a dazzling light spot on the picture. Different from painting within tradition of humanism, Yang Xun does not present space with light of scattered deflection, like Velasquez; neither does he use strong light to illustrate spirit, like Brown. In conclusion, Yang Xun’s light is not used to “enlighten” reality. In his paintings, light rays are not solely for enlightening the scene, on the opposite, the stage scene is purposefully processed to be very dark, making the whole painting wear a dark tune. Yang Xun uses such visual processing skills to highlight light ray itself, while highlighting is just ritualizing “looking”, enabling “looking” with a mythical quality. For emphasis on such point, the degree of lighting has reached the paramount. Where the light touches, the model of things gradually grow into blurry forms, it can even vanish together with strokes from the painter. As we are “looking”, the center of visual scope is bareness.
        This clearly has involvement of photographic visual experience. The dark corner of paintings of the surrounding elements, along with effects of virtual focus, all these come from such visual technology of photography, which even has decisive influence over Yang Xun’s paintings. Because we can not imagine that people can use such a scattered form to present garden prior to emergence of photography. Artificial mountains, plantation and buildings are often divided by visual scope; the integrity of Yang Xun’s scope has sacrificed the integrity of scene, which we call the integrity of scene.
If we call this era as an era of visualization, the most fundamental quality of the era has been determined since the moment of photographic inventions. For beholders, all things are equal. Because photography is no longer a significant viewing, it can be a shear “looking” without much sense, or “looking” itself has become a significant source. Through lenses, all matters have achieved value of appreciation, while the value of things lies in whether it can be appreciated or not. In other words, this is an era with visualization at the dominant position; the world has exhibited a status of even quality.
        Maybe we should stand on the shoulder of Ben Yaming and make some necessary supplements: due to the duplication nature of photography, the “halo disturbance” of art works vanishes. More importantly, non-organic visual experience defined by photography has eventually eliminated the “halo effect” of the world itself. Specifically, after photography, a parallel-based viewing has replaced vertical recognition. The emergence of photography has taken a key step for the enormous cultural ritual of “viewing”, which truly confirms the legitimate position of image on a technical basis.
        We can also say that the garden image acquired by Yang Xun via photography has become an image; they are pieces of scene clips from real gardens. While prior to this, similar to classic gardens, such tradition has become image-based scenery. Therefore, if we can use one sentence to make a summary, i.e. Yang Xun describes traditional image into image itself to share with us. Visualization of this era has become a symptom, for this, Yang Xun’s works has configured an appropriate evidence or proof.

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