


时间:2011-01-05 13:54:43 来源:


文 / 陆云华  2010年5月8日



South African Art with Wisdom
by Lu Yunhua, on May 8, 2010

We found the works possessed a strong sense of national characteristic when we visited the art museums in South Africa. No matter they are the superb artists or the less important ones, their works have obvious personal features. We are familiar with Dumas, but the other South African artists are outstanding as well. Their art works with authenticity which is like their smiles that everyone has every different smile impressed me deeply.

The folk art in South Africa is also exceptional. Its ancient carvings are even wiser than ours. We'd better pay more attention to the glittering arts abroad while we are always proud of our brilliant native ones.





文 / 陆云华  2009年5月




Stand on the Cape of Good Hope at Last
by Lu Yunhua, in May 2010

I remember when I was in middle school I had learned the South African geography and knew the famous Cape of Good Hope from then on. The book said that it is the dividing point between the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Oceans. That remind me of the great sea level, the golden reefs and the hovering seagulls. What an inaccessible country, what a mysterious place, what a dreamland.

Never had I thought I would come to the charming Cape Town 35 years later. When I stood on the mysterious reef to overlook the boundless seaside the dividing line of two oceans seemed to appear in front of me. What a marvelous miracle.

Sometimes everyone needs dreams or illusions because the beautiful dreams will make our life more poetic and  worthwhile. What I expect mostly are more wonderful miracles!

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