


时间:2009-03-12 16:56:55 来源:

评论 >揭示被藏匿的存在——卢治平版画作品述评







值得一提的是,卢治平在大量创作版画作品的同时,还孜孜不倦地组织举办各种形式的版画活动,为繁荣版画艺术摇旗呐喊、推波助澜 。在当今呼啸而来的市场经济大潮和多元杂陈的艺术状态面前不为所动,能够固守“版画本位”,一以贯之的以建立版画艺术的独特个人话语的“不变”应对“万变”,试图重铸版画曾经有过的辉煌。在卢治平的肩头,自觉地承载起了已远远超过一位单一的版画家的重荷,却依然充满信心和激情地跋涉前行,且不论其间的成败利钝,这种精神的本身就足以令人肃然起敬。虽然这或许已是版画创作本体的“题外之议”,但决非多余。换言之,也许正是因为有了这种难能可贵的理想主义情怀和抱负,更激发了他的创作热情。由此,我们便有了充分的理由对他寄予更大更高的期望。在以后的日子里他又会给我们带来怎样的新作呢?我们且拭目以待。


Unveiling the Hidden Existence
Comment on Lu Zhiping’s Printmaking

Gong Yunbiao

 “Vase, rather than vase” is the main theme of a series of silk-screen printmaking Lu Zhiping has created in recent years. The internal essence of aesthetics and ideal of contemporary art behind the theme cover the artistic concept and pursuit of creation in all his artworks created in recent years. His printmaking series such as “Water Hometown”, “Archaeology” could be named with other similar titles, for he would like to present some historic and realistic images through the articles characterized by contemporary aesthetics by means of deliberate subversion, deconstruction, combination and restructuring. “Vase, rather than vase, uncommon vase”, the vases in Lu Zhiping’s artworks are not those ancient boutiques which we appreciate, however, they serve as traditional elements and factors integrated into the atmosphere of contemporary creation to seek the ideal convergence with the beauty of modernism, create brand-new constitutional logic and present artistic explicit mode featuring contemporary sentiment. Here traditional constitutional factors have been stimulated and obtained continual extension and expansion while inherent essence of beauty has been extracted and enhanced, thus finding companion in the new field of aesthetics to be transformed into brand-new inspiration featuring “image-oriented” philosophy as well as symbolic metaphor.

Many traditional historic art symbols have consciously been injected into Lu Zhiping’s artworks, for example, there are monster pattern, dragon & phoenix pattern and thunder pattern on bronze wares, net pattern, string pattern and falling curtain pattern on pottery in “Vase, rather than vase” series, tangled-branch pattern, bent-branch pattern and lotus pattern on porcelain. When these symbols are integrated into the atmosphere of subversion and reconstruction as cited, they turn into a series of modern symbols of beauty orientation. Perhaps Lu Zhiping realizes that for people in modern age who are keen on physical spirit, they call for new spiritual space. Therefore, he tries to construct an unique “possible world” by means of deconstruction language while the real world turns to object-concreting of the “possible world”, in which way he tries to doubt the real world, isolate substance, guide people to another space to seek unique companion and reaffirm the judgment of beauty value.

Then it reminds us of Susanne K.Langer’ famous aesthetic topic unveiling the essence of art “Art is the creation of the symbolic form of human emotion”. Art, as a special symbolic sign, has its unique connotation which is human emotion. The process of the creation of artist is the process of artistic abstract and symbol creation, an expressive way to present substance in non-substance way, reconstruct real world and build surrealistic scene. Lu Zhiping’s artworks, as “meaningful form”, has been transformed into an illusory space featuring artistic illusion full of magic and dexterity which could result in imagination. His artworks serve as the symbols that arouse the imagination of people, for the inner perception as well as space logic clash and interact with inherent habit of aesthetics and appreciation. For viewers of us, the process of appreciation has been a visual experience featuring power and fantasy.

Carefully observing the space logic as well as perception and disposal of space in Lu Zhiping’s artworks, we are fascinated by an intense characteristic of surrealism featuring the distance of observation in real life, thus providing us with a certain cultural vision of reflection. In these artworks, figural and abstract art, real as well as illusory expression, part reality together with whole virtual image, all of which are perfectly and fantastically integrated to break the image restriction of the connotation of artworks, thus people are access to the illusion of the third space featuring non-realistic image created by his thought. Such “non-realistic image”, though obviously isolated from daily life experience of people, perhaps conforms to some emotion which he has been pursuing for long time. Therefore, it has been an actual artistic existence which Lu Zhiping tries his best to unveil. As what Heidegger said in his work “Poem·Language·Thought”: The self-hidden existence has been illuminated and rays of light, on behalf of beautiful matters, has been integrated into the work. Beauty is a form in which truth comes into being as revealed.” Lu Zhiping offers us a new pattern of beauty, for we are truly access to the ray of light that could illuminate the hidden existence.

Saussure once said that everything was blur and obscure before the emergence of language, which was also applied to art. Any pattern or image is not able to create beautiful artistic conception without mature painting language. In terms of his sophisticated master of printmaking language, perception and comprehensive knowledge of the silkscreen and copperplate etching, utilization of symbolic constitution, intense, pure and harmonious comparison, interrelation of reality and illusion in the intertexture of notch, print and line, free-style expression of image and emotional expression to great extent, thus extending cultural vision and beauty value that are beyond space and time. Lu Zhiping has been devoted to seeking and exploring a broader path of modern printmaking through his artworks, further exploring the internal essence of printmaking art as a whole, persisting in the transformation of contemporary creative conception of printmaking art, striving to establish the contemporary style of Chinese printmaking and convincingly fostering an innovative and personalized atmosphere of creation.

What worth mentioning is that Lu Zhiping is also committed to persevering in organizing a variety of printmaking activities while focusing on his creation of printmaking artworks to promote the prosperous development of printmaking art. He firmly adheres to his main duty as printmaking creation though faced with booming economic trend and diversified art forms and the unique pattern of printmaking art to attempt to pursuing the glory of printmaking. Lu Zhiping voluntarily bears the pressure that was beyond the duty of a simple artist and has been confidently and enthusiastically trekking on the path, no matter succeed or fail in the end, the spirit itself deserves admiration. Although perhaps this is the extension of printmaking creation, however it isn’t superfluous. In other words, maybe it is the valuable idealism and ambition that stimulate his passion for creation. Therefore, we are confident to have higher expectation on him. We are looking forward to his new creation in the near future.

Residence, Shanghai, autumn 2008 

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