


时间:2008-10-10 15:05:45 来源:

展览 >《超验100%》音乐专场

现场音乐人:白子 陈炯 杨阳光 大味
开幕酒会:2008.10.18 下午:15:00






白子将演奏:平民福音- 璞音乐  (源于基督的信仰,注目草根的小品 )   
陈炯将演奏:  有言无语--来自川藏的呼吸 系列最新作品  

《Transcendental 100%》

Live music theme, "Transcendental 100%"
Live music: Yang Chen Shirako great taste of sunshine
On-site video: Sharon to provide dual video "Our vision"
Host: Beijing Bai Fu Court Investment Advisory Co., Ltd.
Location: Yuan Lei Art Gallery (Songzhuang small fort on the 10th)
The exhibition will be :2008.10.18 --- 11.26
Opening reception: 2008.10.18 afternoon: 15:00
Curatorial: Yang Da Wei

"Transcendental 100%" Music Specials
----- Order to talk about music, art and transcendent presence Songzhuang

Article / Yang Da Wei

    Song Zhuang artist should not only village, and the arts should be a village. To be multi-artistic ideal base. Songzhuang there are two forces, an old-fashioned, conservative and pragmatic to make money. The other is cutting-edge, aggressive exploration transcendental. It should also said Songzhuang original music from the Song Zhuang came to the band's first talk about.
    Shirako was one of the first into Songzhuang lead singer of the band. It is a fully equipped team, guitar, drums, bass, lead singer and taste. Prior to that the Northeast is also ga boil hard for many years and is still famous. Song Zhuang came to the great heroes of no avail, the band insisted it for a while Yiyixibie, trapped by their own. Shirako only pool from the hands of the artist bought a yard. Since then, in a flash is also set on August 9. Original Song Zhuang difficult music, are also suffering in Shirako days wearing on like years. Many times in life take on the brink of collapse, he really Xinle Zhu. Since then, as if Fu won with a good wife, son and new life. Shirako in adversity and I know for many years, taste the same as each other up, depending on the music to life. Our original music is also always the same feeling. Now we are in a different field of transcendental way to create a different perception of music.

    I know Chen is accused of planning and Shirako music + painting of the artist to perform on-site. He sat outside on the grass field, a brilliant smile. I have been told: He is also music. I invite him to join. He was put into the music, only very soul. Not long ago, his return from the Sichuan-Tibet and bring them back to a style, but a Tiqu the natural curly hair. Perhaps it is clear to the Return to Innocence.

   "Transcendental 100%" special music is original music Songzhuang part of the avant-garde experiments revealed.


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