


时间:2008-01-29 00:00:00 来源:

名家 >色戏,戏里画外——黄君辉《事件剧》中的色彩伦理


希腊智者普罗狄科(Prodikos)曾讲述过一个 “十字路口上的赫拉克勒斯”故事:赫拉克勒斯是宙斯不小心与某个女人在某个未经约定的沉溺之时偶然留下的一道生命痕迹。由于赫拉克勒斯生得过于偶然,宙斯给了他一项在世使命:消除人世的一切不幸。这项使命艰巨得要赫拉克勒斯的命。为了补偿赫拉克勒斯生命的过重负担,宙斯赋与了他一种特殊的魔力——编织言语织体的能力。于是,赫拉克勒斯偶然地成了男性力量的原型。编织言语织体几乎成了男人的身体,或者说,男人的身体掉进自己编织的言语织体中被淹没了,只有一个没有身体的躯壳在世间游荡,编织言语的世界成了男人的身体欲望。













Color Drama, in Dram and Out of Picture—the Ethical Colors in “Incident Drama” of Huang Junhui
Greek wiser Prodikos ever narrated a story of “Heracles in crossroad” it said: Heracles was a life fruit Zeus carelessly left, when Zeus by accident wallowed with a woman in unexpected time. Due to Heracles was born in too casual; Zeus gave him a living mission: to eliminate all misfortune in the world, the mission was so difficulty that let Heracles exhausted. In order to repay Heracles’ life burden, Zeus endowed him a special charm—the competence of weaving language texture. From that Heracles happened to become an prototype of male power. Weaving language texture almost becomes man’s body, in other words, man’s body falls into the language texture himself weaving and be flooded, only a shell without body loitering in the world, the world of weaving language have become a lust of men.
This is a drama of men, the metaphysical desire. Novelist use skilled mother tongue, painter coating color, painting and alphabets have mixed into language, another ancient Greek drama plays.
Huang Junhui is just the man.
In English, the word theatre is derived from Greek “thertron”, it means “watching place,” a location for people to see the world. Together often mentioned another word is drama it also derived from Greek word “tran” the original meaning is “doing” or “action,” it means to do something, to take some actions. In eyes of Greek, drama is the art to imitate actions, namely to reappear people’s action art.
Aristotle said: all of art originally from imitation, so is the dram, so is the literature as well as painting.
To use “imitated” painting to perform the “imitated” drama is difficult. However Huang Junhui did it. In his painting the figures are concreted and vague; figure form is simple but abstract. The color is simplicity and hot: mainly black, white and red. Black and white means life and death, red and white means bittersweet, red and black means passion. Every group is comparison color, every group implies serious ethic.
“What is ethic?” the so called ethic actually is life feeling that takes some value as veins. In reverse, a kind of life feeling is a kind of ethic. How many the life feelings mean how many kinds of ethic. Ethics is knowledge about life feeling; it observes and studies the real meaning of life feeling.” –Liu Xiaofeng .
Every group is a drama. Compared with figure, color has richer imaging extending. In large extend, it performs the works ethical opinion.
Black and white ritual:
Black and white, this is Hephurn’ elegance, is the boundary of life and death.
In Chinese culture, this is a group of taboo colors, in Chinese ancient Five Metal Theory, the west is white tiger, the west is the god who is in charge of killing so white color means wither and lifelessness and symbolizes death and threat omen. In ancient China black is Heaven myth in Chinese culture is mysterious feeling, is a serious and solemn tones that is symbol of regime and divine power. The heavy of black and the lightness of white is just like Nietzsche pondering the relation of “soul” and “body” belonging to Heaven and Hell. Drama roaming between soul and body, just like a old black and white silent film, silently point to human being’s pondering of life and death in ancient Greece.
The Red and the Black”:
The group of colors itself is a drama. Julien:s ambitious and weakness, finally destroyed in hot and fierce lover affairs. To the colors symbolism in “The Red and The Black” literature criticizing field has hot dispute. The red, in China, is a ceremony color, but in English is equal to “blood,” bleeding and violence etc. black is the sad and severe religious color. As a history, it takes “red and black” as the conflict of two historical forces; as personnel, regardeds “red and black” as the conflict of personal choice and self-conflict, and describing a kind of individuals struggle course. The core of drama is contrary. Red and black, history and personnel, contradiction conflict and crash, the drama story, under Huang Junhui it only conversed into red and black two colors. That is a big abstract.
Human life’s red and white colors
Red and white, the colors in a man life’s beginning and ending. A man’s beginning is red, no mater Chinese people advocating festive even red color or Western people eyes’ “blood,” happy event and blood welcome a new life born at all.
A man pass away the color is white: mourning hall, coffin, pale eternal lamp, white silk and black cloth, the two colors showing sadness and seriousness control life and death. A man’s life two ends are only the two colors. One end is gorgeous red, another end is pale white, a man walks between the two ends, life colors are slowly changed: the weaker and weaker red, stronger and stronger white……
Black, white and red, that is a man’s life early theme colors: 50% white, 25% red, 25% black, that is mediocre life; 70%red, 10% white, and 20% black, that is passion life. 60% black, 30%red, 10% white, that is vanish life. how much red plus how much black then plus how much white, is the perfect life? Under Huang Junhui’s pen, that is no answer. But the color narrating lets us to close another possibility.


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